January 23, 2025
Mary Tyler Moore Accidentally Nails a Perfect Pool Shot on The Dick Van Dyke Show (1962)

Let’s rewind the video­tape and revis­it a clas­sic second in The Dick Van Dyke Display. Within the 1962 episode referred to as “Hus­tling the Hus­tler,” Mary Tyler Moore (as Lau­ra Petrie) performs pool and sinks 3 balls in a sin­gle shot. The orig­i­nal plan used to be to splice in photos of a professional­fes­sion­al pool play­er mak­ing the shot, however Moore sur­prised each­one, includ­ing her­self, through nail­ing it at the first check out. Watch­ing Moore and Van Dyke recov­er from their aston­ish­ment and impro­vise in the course of the scene is helpful—a consistent with­fect solution to get started your Mon­day.

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by the use of Zaibat­su and Slash Movie

Relat­ed Con­tent

Joan Jett and the Black­hearts In step with­shape a Rol­lick­ing Cov­er of the Mary Tyler Moore Theme Tune (1996)

Jack Ker­ouac Performs Pool, 1967

Dick Van Dyke Nonetheless Danc­ing at 96!

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